
Cake is at the heart of your customers most important life celebrations, and we have a broad portfolio that allows you to create just the right offering. With capabilities from uniced cake layers and cupcakes to base iced to fully decorated celebration and dessert cakes, we can help you build the perfect cake program that matches your available labor and creates a cake destination for your customers.

Cake Batters
Uniced Layers & Cupcakes
Decorated Cakes
Loaf Cakes
Bundt & Ring Cakes

Choose a type:

Our cake batters allow you the flexibility to create signature offerings while also providing the dependability you need to deliver consistent quality products.

Features & Benefits

  • Scoop-and-bake convenience
  • Offered in pails
  • Core flavors
  • Provides flexibility to be innovative and unique


Ready to take your business higher?

We’re here to help! Please get in touch with us so that we can answer any questions you might have.